
We help you cut through the noise.


Is this your first report?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the frameworks for sustainability reporting? Are you feeling swamped by information requests?

You might need: Materiality Assessment + Reporting Services

We can help you determine what sustainability means to your company and what you need to report on. Depending on your needs, we can collect the data and write the report for you. We can project manage and steward approvals through the organization. We will help you lay a foundation for successful reporting.

Do you want to identify your material issues?

Do you feel like you have to report on everything and the kitchen sink, even if it doesn’t apply to your company? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the topics that are considered “sustainability” or “ESG” topics?

You might need: Materiality Assessment

We can help you create internal alignment around what topics are important for your company. We can engage external stakeholders to help you understand what topics are important to them. Together, we can help you prioritize the topics that are relevant to your business and reflect stakeholder expectations.

Do you want to improve your reporting? Are you ready to set some targets?

Do you already have a report but you think it could be better? Is your report not meeting investors’ needs or not aligned with rating agencies’ requirements? Do you want to start challenging yourself with targets?

You might need: Reporting + Target-setting Services

We can look at your current report and recommend best reporting practices, find gaps, benchmark against your peers, and help you choose a reporting framework. We can help you set targets that are challenging but achievable. We will help you take your report to the next level.

Do you need a “refresher” on what is happening in the ESG reporting space?

Are you wondering what the difference is between ESG and sustainability? Everybody is talking about climate - how can you begin to incorporate TCFD into your reporting? GRI or SASB? How much do you need to worry about rating agencies?

You might need: ESG Training Services

We can meet with you to understand what your needs are, and build a training session that will allow you to work more confidently in the ESG reporting space.


Our Services

Materiality (Topic Prioritization)

Materiality is a discovery process to identify social, environmental and governance topics to report on. Materiality can involve one or more of the following activities:

  • Workshop / Focus Group with internal or external stakeholders

  • Interviews with external stakeholders

  • Online research and industry benchmarking

Timeline: 4-8 weeks


Preparing a report includes identifying the framework and standards to report against, collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, determining how to structure and present report material, writing content, and developing graphics that help your readers better understand your performance.

  1. Writing

  2. Data

  3. Framework / Standards

  4. Design

Timeline: 4-6 months

ESG Training

Whether your company is public or private, expectations for reporting are constantly changing. Our Board and Executive training will help you stay up to date on trends in the reporting space.

Timeline: 1- 4 hours

Target Setting

It is no longer enough to say you are improving. Investors and stakeholders want to see progress, and they want data to back it up. We’ll work with you to set meaningful, pragmatic targets that help you progress your environmental and social performance.

Timeline: 2-4 months