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ESG. Sustainability. impact.

ESG reporting can be overwhelming.

It doesn’t have to be.


Responsibility Matters Inc.

If you are thinking about producing a sustainability/ESG report for the first time, or if you already have a report but you are frustrated with the process or disappointed by the final product, give us a call. We have helped dozens of other companies move forward in this fast-evolving field.

We are an advisory firm focusing exclusively on sustainability/ESG reporting. Our promise is simple: we help companies cut through the noise.

The volume of sustainability topics and standards has skyrocketed in the last few years. It can be overwhelming. We provide clarity, helping you identify the environmental, social and governance topics that are most relevant to your business and mean the most to your stakeholders.

Get in touch with us to determine if our services are right for you.


Quick facts:

Number of reports published with our support


first time reports


Number of Materiality workshops facilitated



What we do


We can help you create internal alignment around what topics are important for your company, and engage external stakeholders to help you understand what topics are important.


We can prepare your report. This includes writing, identifying the framework and standards to report against, and collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data.


We can review reports that you already have and develop a strategy on how to improve report quality and/or ensure you are meeting reporting standards.


Contact us to see our portfolio